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Poll Results 3: Succubuss and Draenei

You guys sure like your horns and hooves!  Succubuss won this round with Draenei as a close second, thanks to everyone who chimed in.

I'm going to try to get on a more regular schedule for posting, aiming for 3 pictures a week, with a poll results every other week.  Speaking of which the poll is reset and you can now start voting for round 4.  I'm rotating the options for the sake of variety, so Succubuss and Draenei are off the list, but if you REALLY want to see more of them just write it in under "other".


Futas With Balls

A triple entendre?

P.S. The poll is still open as there is a tie for the winner.  If you voted once, vote again!


Poll 2 Followup

A bonus... uh "milk maid", and the schoolgirl runner-up.

Here's an expanded version with messy cum splatter.



Poll Results 2: A Bucket Full of Love

Farm Girl had the most votes this round, this one apparently just finished milking... herself.

I'll leave the next round open longer and post some random stuff in the interim.  Next post will be a bonus farm girl, along with the round 2 runner up: schoolgirls.  


Poll Results: Draenei

Draenei came out ahead this time, so here are three from the back catalogue, done in 08 I think.  I've reset the poll so you can cast your vote for the next round.  Feel free to add something that's not listed.  Although I don't have much time for drawing requests these days, chances are good there is something similar in the stack of 800+ sketches just waiting to be scanned.